Take heed!

Lately, I’ve heard a lot of people saying “Don’t call out sin, our job is to love people“.  While that may sound loving and kind, it makes absolutely no sense and has NO biblical foundation.

If you LOVE PEOPLE you tell them the truth. The idea of “let God deal with them” also, makes no sense. God deals with people through the preaching of the word of God and through scripture. Your job as a preacher is teach the truth of God’s word and show people how they can be saved. The idea of letting people figure it out on their own, and not mentioning sin is the work of Satan. Any preacher who won’t tell you about the wages of sin being death, does not love you, they hate you, or at best are a coward.

True love gently confronts what hinders freedom, it is not a passive ignoring of it. “Loving people” does not mean pretending like all is well. If you love your unsaved friends, tell them what the bible says and warn them of God’s judgment which is coming on this world. That’s the only context where the love of God even makes sense, that despite our SINS, He loves us unconditionally and sent a savior in Jesus Christ. Let’s stop being cowards and actually LOVE people.

– Shared


P.S: I am in a remote area, I can not post regularly or keep up with your new blog posts. May the Lord bless you and keep you 😀 Have a blissful day in the LORD!

8 thoughts on “Take heed!

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  1. ”Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” Eph. 4:15 NLT


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