Not my home!

Originally posted on by Kathy Boecher 2/2014 This planet’s not my home. I am an alien here. This place is just a hardened shell encasing sin and fear. The shell is hard to crack. There’s only one who can. He is the Lord of heaven.  True God and Son of man. He came to save... Continue Reading →

Picture of the month!

I normally don't write about politics or anything of that sort but here is a beautiful shot that was taken by Gwaga, a burundian protographer, in Rutana, Burundi. The smiles on the faces of these young girls are precious and clearly shows that HEART is the home of peace. Burundi is currently going through a... Continue Reading →

Dying to self!

There's a difference between growing to be more religious and growing to be more Christ-like. Opinions, doctrines, and practices established by an intellectual knowledge of the scriptures can be sincerely embraced without the least bit of self-denial, and strictly practiced without getting the least bit of Divine virtue from them. We've got to stay on... Continue Reading →

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